Saturday, March 14, 2009

school is going okay. the only tough part is that australians like to make lotsa references to australian current affairs, which i know nothing about. and as im doing journalism, thats kinda unavoidable. but im getting there.

and my housemate jane has just gotten a puppy! its a bischon - i really dont know how to spell bischon, im sorry. and its the teensiest thing ever! he's called
Louie, cause he's french. and only looks not so teensie cause of all his fluffy fur. i call him poopie, cause he poops an extreme amount for such a teeny thing, and it stinks to kingdom come. jane has to spray her chanel perfume to cover it, so now the house smells like chanel perfume all the time. Louie and tweety bird get along just fine. tweety is the boss of course. pics below show tweety just running rough-shod over lou.

im so glad for the poopie, its adorable. when jane and i went to the pet store i had to physically chain myself to the car or i woulda bought every damn dog in that place, they are so freaking cheap here i was just appalled. friends will know im a lover of huge dogs, and they were selling ridgeback and mastiff crossed puppies for $400. is that cheap or what?! they're like my dream dog, i swear im gonna get that puppy one day.

anyway louie sleeps alot cause he's only 8weeks old and just a baby. but he's the sweetest mildest tempered dog i've ever come across. never ever barks. makes me miss
alphie so much!

back to classes. its so refreshing to be able to study something that doesnt bore me to tears. some units are super hard cause my classmates are all 3rd year or postgrad students, and are all supremely smart aussies. lectures are really different. instead of the total silence you would normally expect from students in singapore when the lecturer asks a question, here everyone like fights to answer questions and hands are going up left, right and centre. my speech communication class is really fun though. as its a speech class, we just sit around in a circle and talk. love it. aside from the heaps of assignments and mountains of stress for all the units, school is really okay as i dont have to study IT anymore thank god. more pics soon!

private note to laopos hui and sabbie: i saw the pics sabbie put up on facebook some time ago and i miss u guys loads!

private note to norman and prata: i really miss movie marathons and being very idiotic about it. love!




Naresh and i

posted by stephie @ 12:30 PM ______________________________________________