Saturday, October 20, 2007

ch5 is showing America's got talent, which i've mentioned before. Check out this act from the Britain version: Britain's got talent. its pretty funny. judges include simon cowell of american idol and piers morgan of america's got talent.

this is damon scott and his monkey, bubbles. lol.

posted by stephie @ 3:46 PM ______________________________________________

posted by stephie @ 3:45 PM ______________________________________________

caught resident evil: extinction with the basketball team. again, that unfinished feeling. i've heard this is the last installment of the resident evil series but im praying for a fourth cause the ending was just way too abrupt. the frist resident evil movie was still the best, but the whole concept of the story appeals to me as its feasible (which is scary!) anyway, its still very worth watching. i always feel traumatised after watching zombie flicks.

dinner at
cafe cartell with the mit peeps again! video says it all: hang on for it.

posted by stephie @ 3:38 PM ______________________________________________

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

internship is cheap slave labour and it sucks. i'm doing mindless tasks beneath my intelligence level. but i guess thats internship for you. although now, i have to try and remember all the different kinds of subscriptions and promotions we offer, including postage and free gifts and stuff of that sort for when people call. (reminder: i have short-term memory) its not too bad i guess, could be worse. but then again, could be better.

my boss is so wierd! she dislikes girls. she even mentioned to me that she feels girls are pretty useless - hello? girl over here! sheesh. anyway i was chatting with her about schools and whatnot, and she mentioned her daughter was in normal acad. so i had this sympathetic face ready. but apparently it doesnt bother her because - and i quote: "i dont care about girls. it is more important for a boy to have better education. girls can always grow up and get married." holy cow! what? whaat?

this goes against everything i believe in! which is that woman should have equal rights in everything and as good an education as they can get. why should we all act like dumb blondes and get married just for financial security? its so stupid. and i absolutely could not believe that, being a woman herself, she could say something like this. i mean. is this the 21st century or not?!

personally, i feel that marriage and children are extra baggage and added burden. of course, i am of this opinion because a future crocodile huntress (thats me), would not be able to chase crocodiles and such while lugging children around.

anyway, whatever, but: womens' independence ! lol. i feel strongly about this.

posted by stephie @ 9:37 PM ______________________________________________